Leading Circlesongs

   Five days of work and practice with a small group, to learn how to better improvise solid, varied, groovy and harmonious circlesongs!

   Circlesongs are entirely improvised a cappella singing pieces, one person leading a circle of singers by giving them repeating musical parts. Developped by Bobby McFerrin in the 80s, this artform allows everyone to experiment polyphony, improvisation and choir direction. It provides a remarkably flexible tool for training active listening, rhythm, harmony, nuances, presence, cohesion and much more. Depending on what people are looking for, it might also provide a deep artistic, social or spiritual experience.

   This workshop is for experienced singers willing to learn how to improvise circlesongs. First two or three days focus on what I consider to be the basis: finding simple first parts, communicate with clear gestures, build balanced arrangements and make yourself heard in solos. Rest of the workshop helps solidify this basis and go further, exploring different themes and exercices depending on participants needs and requests.

   Welcome to musicians wishing to learn how to lead circlesongs, advanced improvisers looking for new tools and inspiration, as well as teachers and facilitators working with groups and wanting to observe how I lead this kind of workshop (after almost each day I will invite these people to stay for a pedagogical debrief).


  Organized and facilited in English by Gaël Aubrit

   •  VENUE: Blanches et Noires, 111 rue Vanderschrick, 1060 Saint-Gilles, Belgique

   •  DATES and TIMES: from May 1st 2023 at 10:00 to May 5th à 18:00

   •  PRICE: 360€ (please let me know before registration if this is too much for you – food and hosting are not included)

   •  GROUP: 11-13 people

     – sens of rhythm (to be able to hold a steady pulse, to feel a simple measure / time signature, and to sing offbeats)
     – harmonic ear (to be able to sing along in unisson or octave, to hold your voice in a polyphony)
     – vocal technique (to sing in tune, control your volume, adapt your sound quality to blend with different voices)
    No experience in improvisation required, nor in musical theory (other than understanding notions above)
    Please write in the pregistration form how you evaluate yourself with each of the three prerequisites above, with as much detail as possible. No test or recording will be needed if you are confident you are OK with the prerequisites. In doubt, please let me know and prepare a recording (a song or anything sung by you) that you can send if needed.

   •  REGISTRATION: Sorry, this workshop is fully booked! You can be added to the waiting list using the form below (don’t forget to give informations about prerequisites) …


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